Friday, August 15, 2008

Tooth Fairy, Part Deux

The Princess lost her second tooth in 14 days. She now has two open spaces on her bottom front teeth. So cute! Of course, I was grossly unprepared as usual for this event. I decided I would give her a dollar for her first tooth and then add a dollar for each additional, so I needed two dollars, except I only had twenties...
I figured she wouldn't know or notice that it was a $20 and then I could switch it out later. First thing she says is, "The tooth fairy gave me a 20 dollar bill!" DAMN! I'll figure out a way to fix it and get back on track, you watch!


Salome said...


Serves you right!


Kool Aid said...

Wow! Can I lose a tooth in your house, too??

Our little Monkey lost her first two teeth this summer, too. It's such a mind-blower to think that she's getting her "grown-up" teeth!