Sunday, August 3, 2008

Birthday Blowout

Last Saturday (July 26) was supposed to be the birthday party for The Princess' 6th birthday, but it all fell completely apart by 11:30am on the day of. It started the day before when I got a call from the mother of girl one that she had an ear infection. That was one out of three kids. Saturday morning I got the call that girl two (whose house we were supposed to be going to for the second half of the party) had been throwing up all morning. That left my friend's son. The entire plan was to meet at Chuck E. Cheese at noon for pizza and fun and then go to girl two's house for swimming, cake and gifts. Now that we were down to one friend and only Chuck E. Cheese, I was not interested in spending the next few hours at Chuck E. Cheese. Without the swimming and being at a friend's house afterward it suddenly seemed very tedious. So, by the time I got a hold of my friend to tell her that it was just the three of us (my friend was just dropping her son off so it was the two kids and me) it was 11:30am. Her only reaction was, "but I have plans, what are you going to do now, maybe you should just cancel". I was a little upset to say the least and it's hard to explain the whole conversation here, but suffice it to say, The Princess and I had a fun time on her birthday, sans "friends".


Salome said...

Oh no! That sounds awful. Was the princess okay with how the day turned out?

That "friend" comment, ugh.

skroll said...

Yes, she was fine. We went swimming, went for an ice cream at Coldstone and then Toys R Us to use her $50 gift card from grandma (T's mom).