Most of us would choose eat! Not the Princess. Dad picked her up today for their weekly trip to Chuck E. Cheese only to leave after 30 minutes to go to McDonald's because she didn't eat her lunch. When Dad called and told me that I said no way, she didn't eat her lunch, she doesn't get to eat McDonald's for dinner. So he took her home (she cried the whole way) and she ate chicken noodle soup, crackers with butter and now we're having a battle over an apple that she is only choking down because she wants the brownie in the end.
I am at my wits end with her and food. There is barely anything left that she wants in her lunch everyday and breakfast and dinner are not much better. My biggest fear is that she'll end up with some eating disorder over all the constant battles we have over food. She has already made comments about people being fat and how she doesn't ever want to be fat! She's not even six! They say that kids will eat when they are hungry. The problem is we didn't handle things well when she was younger and we are already paying the price. Whenever she gets hungry she always wants junk.
The other mistake we made was giving her choices for her meals instead of telling her what she would be eating like when we were kids. We were asking our parents what was for dinner, not the other way around. I tried holding off sweets and junk food for as long as I could, but lost the battle to my husband after awhile.
I know there are many people in the same boat as I am. I need to find an online group to be able to get ideas...
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
I can't believe that at 6 she is making comments like that!! The media has done this. It's obscene.
Have you ever seen Jon & Kate +8? She doesn't give any choices. If you don't eat what she puts out, you don't eat.
Good luck, it sounds like you're in a tough spot!
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